Thursday, 7 March 2013

Reflection Of Self

fashions ilustration
Inspiration Chain in My Way

 I draw my own fashion...what I wear.

Good bye ...February and Hello March..

What happened is going to be a history...I hate to hear all about political issues..
To me, just make a life become easier.Think about your self and make it to be a better. No need blame or point to others..

Pada aku kehidupan ini mudah saja,kajilah atau muhasabah diri sendiri dulu,sebelum kita asyik menunding jari mencari kesilapan orang lain.Tak kira la..dari segi apa hal pun..


Unknown said...

hehehehe...ok ok ok syomel syomel gambo gitu...what your progress right now?

Adeayu Hadijah said...

what a cool design!
I agree with you, I don't like politic too, just make it simple and make people happy.

visit my little cream button♥ instagram♥ | bloglovin♥

Asyik Izas said...

nice work dear..;)