Wednesday 29 May 2013

It's Too Hard

 Inspiration What I Wear

Time goes by so fast in the month. June is coming in this month and without realizing it, and then only had half a year.

It's hard to believe what is happening right now. Life is love and there is grief too. All depend to yourself, how you put  the way in your shoes..Now you need to be strong, brilliant, hardworking and think smart. It’s not easy to survive if you don't have the good attitude and charisma. The X - factor will be a bonus mechanism.

In this world and right now,don't care where ever the place or state all market price is so expensive and
prices of many goods goes up.Tell me, if there still have a goods price decline.

 We need to work harder to achieve a better economic for yourself and family too.. but " trust me what ever  you do believe in yourself and be confident"


Yulia Rahmawati said...

as I told you at facebook, this illustration is awesome!

Yulia Rahmawati said...

Hi nana, been so busy eh? I'm waiting for your new blog post. And by the way please do check my blog, there is a new blog post there :)

Unknown said...

hi...nice blog...
would you like to follow each other on both gfc and bloglovin..?
let me know

Unknown said...

Love this photo! So cute<3

Love your blog<3
Would you like to follow each other? and maybe like each others facebook pages? ;-) Let me know dear:)


Adeayu Hadijah said...

Love the sketch!

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