Sunday 14 October 2012

Melody a.k.a Yody

cute white cat

This is my mom lovely cats, name Melody, but we all call Yody.Yody is intimate name.Yody is very the clever female cats.She like to act like people attitude.Yody will breast feeding her grandson because sometime ohters cats ignoring their baby.Yody will take care their babys.

Yody memang adalah kucing yang sangat penyayang. Rasa umur Yody pun dah 7 tahun.Kalau aku balik my home town ,Penang Yody mesti ada je kat rumah tue.Setia mananti dan menunggu..Tapi kalua one day Yody dah tak da,memang tak boleh terima.

Sayang Yody..

 Model camera : Canon EOS 1100D