Sunday, 4 November 2012

Like an Angel

Like an Angel
 5.The finale part look like an angel with wings.

Like an Angel
4.Use Create Clipping Mask to put the textures inside wings.
Like an Angel
3. Put the wall textures behind for look more real.

photo model
2.When you crop the back ground, it will look like this.Touch up the model image use Burn Tools, it will make the image look more real.
photo model
 1. Cropping the wall behind model and remove a messy part example hair.For Cropping can use Pen tool and Eraser.

Ok this time I will show you a simple editing image.This picture was taken when I have to do a Model textiles Project.So have to show the Zaira cotton design.I use A.Photoshop for editing this image.

You can try use Pen tools, Eraser for finish it up,Burn tools and Create Clipping Mask.

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